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    Age 38, Female


    Joined on 7/22/09

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    Weekly Update! (2023-04-02)

    Posted by GrayscaleRain - April 2nd, 2023


    Hey peeps!

    It’s April now, so that means we’ve successfully made it through the first quarter of the year 2023!  

    Wow, huh?  XD

    It also means that it’s time to reflect just a little on what we’ve gotten done so far this year.

    So far we’ve managed:

    3 Various Happenings Updates

    1 Clara Cosmos Update

    2 Conception Foundation (Non-Commissioned)

    That’s about… half of what I was hoping for, in all honesty, but not bad.  Most of those WERE in January, of course, when I was most active and least bogged down in commission work, but still, not bad!


    I’m going to try and do better though!  I want to progress on my projects more steadily as the year goes on, and just in general.

    Commissions have been very good this year so far, at least, and thanks to your support on Patreon and the advances from the commissions in March, I won’t have to take any in April to make my contributions for the month!  That means I can focus on getting further caught up!

    I’m now within a 90-day turn around on things, and I’m hoping to narrow it down within a month by the end of the quarter and within two weeks by the end of the year!

    This quarter I’m hoping for at least three updates for Various Happenings and The Adventures of Clara Cosmos each, as well a sequence each month for The Conception Foundation.  

    I know that’s highballing things a bit, but you’ve got to push yourself sometimes!  XD

    The sequences for The Conception Foundation might get offset by the fact that I seem to be getting a few commissions for that sort of thing, so that sort of content isn’t going to subside anytime soon, even if I don’t come up with a scenario myself, necessarily.

    But my ultimate goal for the comics, however, if I can ever reach absolute security in it, is to get Various Happenings up to updating once a week, and Clara Cosmos up to three times a week.  I feel like that would be a good storytelling pace, at least for the moment.  I’d like more, if I can manage it, but that’s the dream for right now.  I want to work on the Bookweaver's Journal and Cast Page on varioushappenings.com, too.  So there's that.

    I also have another couple projects that I’m working on, in addition, that I want to do things with perhaps sometime this summer.  One is something I’ve had sitting in my project documents for a few years and I’d like to do just bang it out if I can manage it.  It’s not that long and I think I could do it over a month or so if I was really focused.

    The other is a thing I’ve had mulling around the Discord for a while, and I’ve been making efforts to revitalize it over the last year or so.  

    I’m not going to make any promises on it, but I’ve been working on it in the background in fits and starts and I like where it’s heading.  I’d like to mess around with it a bit among friends in the future if I’m able.

    Of course, a lot of this is going to be disrupted around June, because we’re going to probably be moving at that time.

    We don’t know where yet, as my roommate has yet to secure a new job location (though we have a few guesses,) but even if that doesn’t happen, we’ll most likely be moving out of the current house we’re in.  So there’ll be a bit of a downtime at the end of June and the beginning of July as we make that transition and get settled again.  Hopefully not too much of an issue, but it’s really up in the air.

    So that’s the sort of molten situation for things right now.  Ultimately it’s going to come down to my health, my motivation, and how much stuff gets in the way of me drawing as much as physically possible.  XD

    But the support lately has been overwhelming and you are all fantastic.  I couldn’t even come close to any modicum of success without you all, so thank you so very much.

    Now then, let’s look at the commission list.


    #003 – On Hold

    #005 – In Progress!

    #006 – In Progress!

    #012 – Completed!

    #013 – In Queue

    #015 – In Queue

    #016 – In Queue

    #017 – See #2023-002

    #018 – See #2023-001


    #001 – In Queue

    #002 – In Queue

    #003 – In Queue

    #004 – In Queue

    #006 – In Queue

    #008 – In Queue

    #010 – Waiting for Payment

    #011 – In Queue

    #012 – Waiting for Payment

    #013 – Waiting for Payment

    #014 – In Queue

    That’s what we’ve got for now!  Like I said, the form is still open, but I’m not going to be taking anything new for a while.

    Still, you’re more than welcome to toss something in there and I’ll look at it when I’m able.  The Discount Bin will be open, and I’ll refresh the used spots as commissions are completed, so have a look at that and see if anything takes your fancy.  I’ll keep adding (and removing) things from it as time goes on.

    That’s pretty much the state of things over here.  I might have forgotten a thing or two, but I’ll put it up when I remember it.  Next week is tax season, too, so I should take care of that before the deadline hits, so I’ll probably do that next Tuesday.  Don’t y’all forget either (if you live in the US or a country whose fiscal year ends in April.)

    Anyway, that’s all for now, sorry for the long read!  Take care of yourselves and I see you next week!

    Until next time!


    Commission Submission Form: https://forms.gle/wgUSpMcvE8LiUtuq6

    Commission Rules: https://foxsaliant.com/Commission.htm

    Discount Bin: https://foxsaliant.com/Discount.htm

    Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/

    The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/




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