
Age 38, Female


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GrayscaleRain's News

Posted by GrayscaleRain - 5 days ago

Weekly Update! (2025-02-23) Spinning Plates


Hey peeps! This week I'll be taking a by-week in order to take care of all the posting and administrative stuff I've been falling behind on lately. I've still got the uploads from last year to wrap up, and I'm going to try my best to get the commissions page up this week so I can start taking those in the near future. I want to better manage my juggling of projects, so I'm going to be taking things in small chunks during streams so I can maintain my enthusiasm for whatever I'm working on, rather than dedicating eight-hour streams to a single thing. Hopefully that'll get things out faster and decrease my rate of burnout. That means there won't be as many solid SotS streams, but I'll be offering them as an option that people can do in addition to their regular commissions should they so desire (that is, something extra they can tack onto the order.) This will apply to the Sketch on the Spot Clean-Ups as well! Hopefully that'll allow people to get things cheap if they want, as well as allowing those that want to get something a bit bigger a chance to.

I've got a few expenditures that I'm going to prioritize in the next few months (passport, taxes) which is why I want to get commissions back up and running. That way, I have a constant influx of cash in order to invest in these things, just in case, as well as paying off credit and other useful things. While SotS has been great, I'm starting to feel the burn, so it's time to shake things up a bit.

I also haven't been able to work on comics, and if I'm going to maintain commission work, as well as do fun stuff, and work on the comics, I've got to do a bit better at juggling and be able to vary the kind of things I'm working on in order to not overtax myself in any specific way. Composition, clean-up, writing, adminstrative work, and all these other skills function differently and tax me in different ways, so limiting the amount of time spent on any one of them will hopefully allow me to work more consistently.

Still, things are going, and we're making progress on things, even if it's slow at times. So we'll just have to see what happens with it!

Thanks for standing by me, and I hope you all have a great week! I'll see you then!

Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/
The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/
SubscribeStar: https://subscribestar.adult/foxsaliant

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Posted by GrayscaleRain - 11 days ago

Weekly Update! (2025-02-16) Shuffling It All Around

Heyo peeps!

So the Valentine's Day streams were rather successful, but I've got a lot of leftovers from those streams to finish up, so I'll be doing an extra stream or few this week in order to wrap all of that up. I've got about fourteen (14) at count left to do, or a little over half, so I'll be taking care of as many of those as I can over the week. If I have to do more by the stream on Friday, as well, I will, but hopefully things will be done by then so I can proceed onto normal work. Making sure the credit cards are paid and also saving up for a passport (just in case) are things that take precedence over projects and comics unfortunately, though I really do want to get back to everything and I'm trying as hard as I can to get things back to where they need to be.

We're almost there!

Not this coming week, but soon, however, I want to take a by-week in order to finish off a bunch of paperwork and postings that I need to do, as well as a few site updates and other things. It's been a while since the last one and I need to get a few things in order as well as knuckle down on those site updates.

Time goes way too slow and way too fast all at once it seems. I hope you are all doing well. It's going to be cold tomorrow, apparently.
Until next week!

Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/
The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/
SubscribeStar: https://subscribestar.adult/foxsaliant

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Posted by GrayscaleRain - 2 weeks ago

Weekly Update! (2025-02-09) Working It Out


Slowly getting these things checked off!  I'm hoping to have the Hall of Friends up this week, at least in some form, and hopefully the commission page soon.  I know I've been promising that for a couple of months now, but Sketch on the Spot has been keeping things decently full up in the meantime, and I haven't really wanted to open up more intense commissions recently, just for stress reasons.  But eventually I just gotta do it, because having the cash outweighs the stress of doing them, as long as I don't take a bunch in advance and keep on top of them by doing them one at a time.  I know a lot of people have PMed me or e-mailed me about commissions recently, and I've just not had the social battery charge to respond to everyone just yet, because I would have just basically been telling people "no" over and over.  Which, that's on me, and I apologize to anyone who's been waiting to see what I say.  I will get to all of your messages when I'm not too tired to talk to people.

Also, on Thursday and Friday of this week, I am doing a Sketch on the Spot special for Valentine's Day.  It will be simple two-character sketches for $30 USD.  Nothing fancy or super involved, very quick and messy, but I thought it would be nice, so if you're a member of the discord, be sure to be there if you want to grab something.  It'll be one sketch per person, so I'll try and get everyone who asks for one, though I can't guarentee that.  I'll try though.

While it may be a tad late for this event, if you aren't a member of the discord, and you want to be, you can join my SubscribeStar for the low low price of $1.  That will get you into the discord member area where you can vote on future things and see how I'm doing with various current projects.

Still got the comics on the docket, of course.  It's been hard to work on them lately, because of financial stuff and sickness.  I'm going to be trying to get this comic sequence I'm working on with Azure done, because it's been sitting for almost two years now (it doesn't seem like it, but it has) and I want to get it taken care of so we can reference it and work on other things together in the future.  Then I want to finish the current chapter of Various Happenings and the current Episode of Clara Cosmos, which are both sitting in production right now.  There just never seems to be enough time or energy, but we'll make it work.

I'm almost done uploading my 2024 pictures to the off-site galleries, and doing the ones for January 2025 shouldn't take that long.  It's tedious and tiresome, but once I've caught up it should become much easier.

I do have the forum link on the front page now, if you want to sign up for that, and the stream link itself, if you're curious about that or need an easy place to access it.  We're also going to be adding landing pages for my various projects on the front page as well, including some other work by friends of mine, which I hope you will all enjoy.  So look to see those expanding in the future.

And that's really all that's going on right now.  Things are still a bit stressful, and the future is uncertain in a lot of ways, but I'm just going to keep pressing forward.  I still intend to make this a productive year.

It's still cold, but I hope you had a blessed Imbolc, and hopefully things will start to warm up (after this newest cold snap, I guess!)

Until next week!

Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/
The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/
SubscribeStar: https://subscribestar.adult/foxsaliant

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Posted by GrayscaleRain - 1 month ago

Weekly Update! (2025-02-02) Getting Back Up To Speed


Okay, so the last couple of weeks have been a bit rough. We managed to work up our monthly household contribution, but missing a few SotS has put more pressure on me than I'd like, so while we're not in danger financially or anything, I only managed the bare minimum, which isn't what I want.

The worst of the sickness seems to have passed, so right now I'm just trying to readjust my sleep schedule and get back to going to bed at a reasonable time. Trying to do so, along with some minor congestion and dehydration, has left me more or less exhausted and tired all the time, however. This has impacted my self-care and household chores somewhat (though this isn't specific to me, we've pretty much all been zonked out), so a lot of this week is going to be me trying to catch up on that.

Speaking of catching up, January didn't go at all how I'd hoped, so we're still stuck on all the things that I wanted to get done.

Various Happenings Ch.6 is still in progress. I've done the composition for most of the remaining pages, I just have a couple left. I'll start trying to chip away a little bit (from half-an-hour to four hours, depending) every day so I can push through it to the new material. Once that's done, I'm going to finish scripting and composing the current section of Clara Cosmos (perhaps even up to the end of Episode 1 Part 1) and see if I can't get a running buffer for both of those. The collab that I'm working on with Azure will be happening on stream, and should end up being a lot less daunting than it seemed at first. I've done a lot of that sort of work in the last couple of years at this point, so I'm not as intimidated as I was when I started it.

As for general Fox Saliant work, I also want to get to regularly working on the bookmarks; there are six left and I know they're not as difficult as they could be, I just need to relax and do them. I spent a lot on the printing equipment, and I don't want it to sit until it seizes up, so I need to start working on that. I'm almost done with posting all of my 2024 items on the external galleries, too. I've got about 30 pieces left, so we're right there, I just literally have not had any energy.

Things are kind of scary right now, and even as I'm trying to get everything in a row, there are things that threaten to smash everything to bits. I always feel like I'm running behind, and it's hard to make enough money these days and still work on things I want to work on. But I'm doing my best to organize and get ahead of the game for once.

I've been posting votings and such over on my Discord channel, which you can be a part of if you're a member of the SubscribeStar! If you're not, go check it out, it's only a buck for Discord access, and I post polls, art packs, and other member exclusive things there, as well as early access to all of my work if you're in the $5 tier. If that interests you, I hope to see you there.

And for those of you reading, regardless of whether you're members or not, thank you for sticking with us. I know things have been very drawn out over a the last who-knows-how-long, but we're always doing our best to make cool stuff and that's never going to change. Hopefully, things will get better and I'm going to make it my mission to keep making cool junk as long as I'm physically able to, no matter what the social or political climate.

Have a blessed Imbolc, everyone, and may the cold of winter gently dull to the warmth of spring.

Until next time!

Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/
The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/
SubscribeStar: https://subscribestar.adult/foxsaliant

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Posted by GrayscaleRain - 1 month ago

Weekly Update! (2025-01-27) Under the Weather

Hey there, peeps.

I have, unfortunately, been rather sick the last few days so things have not quite been going as I'd like.  Though we are making progress on a number of things, it seems like our family's come down with not one, but two different bugs to accost us; a sinus and chest one, and a norovirus.  While I thought to have dodged the latter, the stomach issues hit me yesterday rather heavily and I've been dealing with that since, so that's no fun.

Still, I will schedule things as I'd planned to do, but if I have to sit out a stream or two, unfortunately, there's not a lot I can do about that.  It was hard enough to actually sit at the computer and type things, so even this announcement was a bit late.  Still, I'm going to try and make up for it, over the next couple of weeks, but I have to wait for this sickness to work itself out of my system first.  Hopefully it'll all be cleared up by this Friday's Sketch on the Spot.

Otherwise, we're just... progressing along the plan we've had for a bit.  I haven't gotten as much done as I'd like, but when is that ever the case?

Still, we're doing okay.  The 2024 pieces are almost all uploaded to my offsite galleries, and I'll collect everything and try and get it in a big archive for the Subscribers to download soon enough.
The weather is still cold, and I'm still sleepy, but we'll do our best!

Until next week!

Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/
The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/
SubscribeStar: https://subscribestar.adult/foxsaliant

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Posted by GrayscaleRain - January 20th, 2025

Weekly Update! (2025-01-19) Freezing Solid


Hey there peebs!

Still chipping away at things, but slowly we're getting more organized!  We've almost caught up on our uploads from last year, and once that's done, that'll be another thing I won't have to be dumping so much time into!

The remainder of Chapter 6 of Various Happenings is being worked on as we speak, and then, once that's in upload mode, we'll get to working on Clara while the VH comics are running.  Hopefully, once we've gotten a little bit of a buffer, things will run a bit smoother, and I'll be able to keep up with the new and exciting things rather than chipping away at stuff I've had sitting in documents for over a year at this point.

Still, every day I get closer to being current and to catching up to my enthusiasm on things.  I've also got two of the bookmarks done, and the two extras that were voted on have been decided, so I hope you enjoy those when they come out, soon enough!

In other news, it's fucking cold out! > <;  Holy crap!
My feet are frozen half the time. @3@;  We're down below 0°F at night and I have to run my space heater constantly.  But that's okay.  Hopefully the next place we end up has better insulation than this one does so I can actually enjoy the wintertime like I want to!

Regardless, I'll see you all around!  I'm gonna keep updating the site and we'll see what happens from here!  Until next week!

Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/
The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/
SubscribeStar: https://subscribestar.adult/foxsaliant

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Posted by GrayscaleRain - January 12th, 2025

Weekly Update! (2025-01-12) Quiet and Snow

Hey peeps! It is now well into the new year and I'm chipping away at things. Got some new buttons down and trying to get them to point to the right places. I haven't updated the Hall of Friends in a while (which I feel bad about) but I'll do my best to focus on maintaining my individual pages here more in the future and getting everything uploaded to this site.

Like I've said before, I kind of want to make this my home on the net now and my other gallery sites just... places where people can go see my art if they're already there.

Anyway, the support link is up and I've updated a few of the buttons to be more visible and not to blend in as much. Hopefully that'll make them easier to use. I'm still working on getting all my 2024 pieces uploaded, it's just very tedious, but I'll get there eventually!

Working on the bookmarks again, and trying to get things sorted out. It's all coming together a little at time!

Not much else to say currently. There's snow on the ground and it looks lovely out right now. A nice quiet winter. Me and the family went out and built snowpeoples. It was nice.
So, I'll see you all next week!


Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/
The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/
SubscribeStar: https://subscribestar.adult/foxsaliant

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Posted by GrayscaleRain - January 5th, 2025

Weekly Update! (2025-01-05)  New Year, Same Me


Hey peeps!

Happy New Year to you and yours!

As you can see, there’s a bit of a difference on the front page of the site! I’d hoped to have this done by the new year, but the holidays, and sickness, and whatnot have precluded me from working on it as much as I’d like. Still, I hope this does a good job of centralizing my info in the future!

As you can see, there are the banners for Various Happenings and Clara Cosmos there on the left, and there will be more projects and old galleries available as time goes on. I just need to make buttons for everything and get started on updating the pages for everything, so that might take a bit. I wanted to kind of throw myself out there on the first update of the new year, because if I just let it sit behind the curtain, who knows when I might actually get around to doing it.

On the right are buttons for changing the news pane, so you can switch between the news, my schedule, my project goals, and my commission list. All of the links for my offsite galleries and social media are there as well.

I have to add in the commission page (yeah, I’ve been dragging my feet on it, sorry, it just hasn’t come up), the support button for SubscribeStar, as well as the Hall of Friends, which needs to be redone. New banner and new background. As well as a shop page. So there will be a lot to do, and I aim to get movin’ and groovin’ in this new year!

You can check out all the information on the other site panes as well, if you want to learn more!

This week will just be a normal one. I don’t really have any particularly unusual plans. We’ll see if we can get back to those bookmarks, and start building up money for taxes. I also want to finish Chapter 6 of Various Happenings this month, one way or another, and finish off the little project I’ve had on the back burner with Azure Dreamer; so we’ll see what happens!

Otherwise, hopefully things will be alright, regardless of how wild the world is. Stay warm, for everyone getting hit with polar vortices, and the rest of you continue to enjoy your winter.

I’ll see you all next week!


Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/
The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/
SubscribeStar: https://subscribestar.adult/foxsaliant

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Posted by GrayscaleRain - December 23rd, 2024


Hey there, folks! Not much to say this week! Just doing holiday stuff, so I hope you're all doing well!

Check out the schedule on the site!

Yeah, my roommates are down in Atlanta this week, so it's just me at home with the cats. I'm going to be taking things easy this week and trying to relax for the holidays. Gonna be working on getting the site reworked and getting everything I want on there, and we'll see how things are heading into the new year!

I hope you're all doing well, and I'll see you all next week~!


Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/

The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/

SubscribeStar: https://subscribestar.adult/foxsaliant



Posted by GrayscaleRain - December 15th, 2024

Weekly Update! (2024-12-15) Yuletide Cheer


Hey there, beeps!

This week we've got an update to The Adventures of Clara Cosmos, if you want to go check that out! Comics might be a bit slow around the end/beginning of the year, but I'll do my best to keep going. My main goal, however, is to secure funds for the end of the year, since I have a lot of expenses around the beginning of the year (including my portion of the rent, the payments for the server hosting, my 3-month phone bill, and tax prep.) The money I've got built up in my SubscribeStar currently should cover the hosting and domain expenses, but I still need to make sure I have what I need for the rest of it. I'm right on the edge, and couple more SotS will probably do, but I always fret and watch these things hawkishly.

So if a few weeks get skipped I apologize, but I'll still be working on things; just chalk it up to the holidays. (I'm also going to be taking the holidays themselves and a few days here and there out to just relax and enjoy myself, because I should, frankly.)

In the meantime, check out the schedule on the site!

As I've stated before, I have already settled on commission prices for the new year, I'm just doing a little revamp in the way info is displayed here. I want to clean up the site a little bit, along with trying something new for the front page, so we'll see how that goes and I'll have all of that hopefully done in the first week or two of January.

I've been putting off some projects (like the bookmarks, and the sequence I'm doing with Azzy) for a while, and I want to prioritize those, as well as getting the comics out faster. I'm still learning how to juggle everything, with moderate success, but there's still things that need to be done, that once I get them out of the way, I can put more time towards other more on-going things.

I'm getting close to the end of Chapter 6 of Various Happenings, so once we get that done, I'll probably take a little time to get the buffer for Chapter 7 up and do some preparation ahead of time as well as focus down the bookmarks.

I'm also trying to get all my uploads done, it's just very tedious and catching up from as far behind as I was is quite the challenge. Still, we're getting there! Rather than being as far behind as I was, we're working to stay caught up, which is somewhat of an improvement. Still, as I said, these next few weeks will be spotty as I'm going to be doing holiday things in addition to preparing for the new year, so I apologize. I hope all of you are having a good holiday season, and if not, I hope next year is better. I know I'm looking on next year with trepidation, but we can make good things out of a bad situation. We've done it before.

Take care of yourselves, everyone! A glorious Yuletide to you all, and until next week!

Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/
The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/
SubscribeStar: https://subscribestar.adult/foxsaliant

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