Weekly Update! (2025-02-02) Getting Back Up To Speed
Okay, so the last couple of weeks have been a bit rough. We managed to work up our monthly household contribution, but missing a few SotS has put more pressure on me than I'd like, so while we're not in danger financially or anything, I only managed the bare minimum, which isn't what I want.
The worst of the sickness seems to have passed, so right now I'm just trying to readjust my sleep schedule and get back to going to bed at a reasonable time. Trying to do so, along with some minor congestion and dehydration, has left me more or less exhausted and tired all the time, however. This has impacted my self-care and household chores somewhat (though this isn't specific to me, we've pretty much all been zonked out), so a lot of this week is going to be me trying to catch up on that.
Speaking of catching up, January didn't go at all how I'd hoped, so we're still stuck on all the things that I wanted to get done.
Various Happenings Ch.6 is still in progress. I've done the composition for most of the remaining pages, I just have a couple left. I'll start trying to chip away a little bit (from half-an-hour to four hours, depending) every day so I can push through it to the new material. Once that's done, I'm going to finish scripting and composing the current section of Clara Cosmos (perhaps even up to the end of Episode 1 Part 1) and see if I can't get a running buffer for both of those. The collab that I'm working on with Azure will be happening on stream, and should end up being a lot less daunting than it seemed at first. I've done a lot of that sort of work in the last couple of years at this point, so I'm not as intimidated as I was when I started it.
As for general Fox Saliant work, I also want to get to regularly working on the bookmarks; there are six left and I know they're not as difficult as they could be, I just need to relax and do them. I spent a lot on the printing equipment, and I don't want it to sit until it seizes up, so I need to start working on that. I'm almost done with posting all of my 2024 items on the external galleries, too. I've got about 30 pieces left, so we're right there, I just literally have not had any energy.
Things are kind of scary right now, and even as I'm trying to get everything in a row, there are things that threaten to smash everything to bits. I always feel like I'm running behind, and it's hard to make enough money these days and still work on things I want to work on. But I'm doing my best to organize and get ahead of the game for once.
I've been posting votings and such over on my Discord channel, which you can be a part of if you're a member of the SubscribeStar! If you're not, go check it out, it's only a buck for Discord access, and I post polls, art packs, and other member exclusive things there, as well as early access to all of my work if you're in the $5 tier. If that interests you, I hope to see you there.
And for those of you reading, regardless of whether you're members or not, thank you for sticking with us. I know things have been very drawn out over a the last who-knows-how-long, but we're always doing our best to make cool stuff and that's never going to change. Hopefully, things will get better and I'm going to make it my mission to keep making cool junk as long as I'm physically able to, no matter what the social or political climate.
Have a blessed Imbolc, everyone, and may the cold of winter gently dull to the warmth of spring.
Until next time!
Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/
The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/
SubscribeStar: https://subscribestar.adult/foxsaliant