
Age 38, Female


Joined on 7/22/09

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GrayscaleRain's News

Posted by GrayscaleRain - January 30th, 2023


Heya peeps!

Everything’s going pretty well! While I was feeling a little off, I still managed to get a lot of work done last week, and get out another page of Various Happenings, so check that out when you’re able!

I'm sorry if I've kind of beaned you all over the head with the weirdness in some of my content lately. I really should have put up a heads up or something in a journal on my various sites, but I wasn’t sure how to go about it. I thank you all that have stuck around in spite of that, though, and the not at all insignificant number of you who found me because of it.

Thanks, everyone!

As for work, well let’s see what we’ve got:

  • #526 – Still on the docket
  • #533 – Coloring in progress, should be done Monday!
  • #542 – Still on hold.
  • #2002-001 – Verifying composition.
  • #2002-003 – Verifying payment and information.
  • #2002-004/010/011 – Should start on this during stream on Wednesday.

Going to be knocking things out, going full bore into February to try and clear out that list. I don’t need to take anything new this month, so I’ve got a nice chance to clean things out and pear the list down quite a bit!

I’m going to keep on working to put out one comic/sequence a week! This week I’ve got both a VH and a Clara Cosmos written and planned out so we’ll see which one appeals more!

Also a warm and bright Candlemas (Imbolc) to all of you. Spring is quick approaching (especially if you live somewhere like I do) and the life will soon begin to return to the trees and grass. We can only hope it does so… gently.

Take care of yourselves, everyone, and I’ll see you all next week!


Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/

The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/



Posted by GrayscaleRain - January 22nd, 2023


Heyo, peeps!

Rockin’ along pretty well!

Gonna see about switching up my schedule and doing management days on Sunday, while trying to have days off in between each stream so that I have time to recover and I don’t risk injuring myself and can work on other things or try and relax.

Not a big change for you guys, the number and timing of the streams will largely remain the same, and what days they’ll be on really depends on what I have to do that week. So we’ll see what happens!

Let’s see what we’ve got:

#526 – Still on the docket. Will try to find/make some free time.

#533 – Preliminaries done and approved! Will probably get started on this on Wednesday and see how far we can go with it.

#542 – Still on hold.

#544 – Inks are done! Ready to be colored. We’ll be doing that on Monday.

#2022-001 – Preliminary done! Have to send that off, and if approved, will see about doing that one on Friday.

In the meanwhile, there are some other things to do.

This week I have an Adventures of Clara Cosmos strip for you all, so go check that out over on


I don’t have a comic prepared for this week coming up, but we’ll see what comes out in the process during the week.

I’ve got scripts for both Various Happenings and Clara good to go, so that’s not a problem. I can hit the next one running if I really want to. I also have some more ideas for sequences, if that tickles my fancy, too. So we’ll get something out, we’ll just have to see what it ends up being.

Either way, things are coming along rather well!

Gonna tweak the site a bit, too. Going back to giving it a more generic look (with the exception of the calendar, I think) and maybe a few splash bars, because changing the color palette and site balance every few weeks is actually kind of a pain in the ass! So we’ll see if we can be a bit more efficient about it! So sorry about those bits lagging behind a little. We’ll get to them!

Anyway! That’s what’s going! Hope you’re enjoying the stuff as of late, and that the weather isn’t getting you too down! It’s a bit rainy here,

but I sleep better like that, so I don’t mind so much.

I’ll see you all next week! Until then!


Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/

The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/



Posted by GrayscaleRain - January 17th, 2023

Weekly Update! (2023-01-16)


Hey there, peeps!

Well last week was surprisingly intense! Had some huge streams before having to take a break to avoid hurting myself and attend to some things at home that happened to come up suddenly.

The comic I got out last week wasn’t quite what I’d expected, but I enjoyed it nonetheless! I know some of my material lately has been a little different than usual, but it’s also been exceedingly popular so I hope you’ll enjoy what weirdness comes along now and again. I know it may be offputting to some, so I’ll do my best to continue to telegraph and tag it as best I can. Still, the response has been wonderful and I thank you all for the support in being rather odd now and again.

As for my regular work, I got a big commission thing done last week, which will be posted shortly, as well as a few other items to manage. So that’s great! I still have stuff I want to get to, of course. I’m going to do the Clara comic this week!

But for now, let’s see:

#526: Determined to get to this one offstream this week. We’ll see how it goes.

#533: This one is good to go, we’ll do the composition on Tuesday and get this thing started!

#542: Currently on hold.

#544: Plausible attempt on Friday, depending on whether or not the commissioner is available. If not, we’ll just do composition for it.

#2022-001: Aiming to give this one a try on stream Thursday! We’ll see what happens. Need to do the preliminary at least.

And those are my plans for the week! We’ll see how it goes and what gets knocked out!

Thanks for being understanding and supportive, everyone! You’re all fantastic, and I couldn’t make it without your support~!

Until next week, peeps!


Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/

The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/



Posted by GrayscaleRain - January 9th, 2023

Weekly Update! (2023-01-09)


Hey peeps!

Alright! Was horribly sick last week, but I've been mulling over things and trying to get my goals in order, regardless! So what do we have on the 

docket for this week and beyond? I’ve got resolutions and I want to see if I can meet them!

So here we are!

This week:

- #526: This one has been sitting aside since August and I feel really bad about not finishing it. I just haven’t had the motivation (or been able to) 

work on it outside of my normal work hours. I’ll set aside some time in the evenings to finally take care of it this week.

- #533: Aiming to start this one on Friday. I’m going to verify stuff on Thursday evening and that will be the last set of changes to the idea that 

will be made. We’ll go ahead and just blast through the composition on Friday and get it ready to be wrapped up early next week.

- #541: We’ll go ahead and see about finishing this one on Tuesday or Thursday! I’ll ask if either day is better and on that stream I’ll sit down after 

warm-ups and just blow through it. Should be fun!

- #542: Verified that this one is to be put on hold and expanded. Need more information to be determined later.

- #544: Aiming to start this one next week, but we’ll see. The last invoice from the old invoicing system to be cleared out.

Hopefully we can do all that (and maybe more) this week. Those are my goals!

As for my general goals heading forward, my resolutions for the year:

- I want to have one comic done a week, every week. It can be either Various Happenings, or The Adventures of Clara Cosmos, though possibly a 

one-off here and there of something else if I feel like it. I just want something done every week.

- By the end of February, I want to be done with my current commission list and be set to restore Sketch on the Spot.

- By March (Pi Day), I want to be done with the renovations on the Various Happenings website and the conversion of Chapter 5 into comic format.

- I want to take a vote on and complete a nice, salacious Mother’s Day comic this year. I think that would be fun. :3

- Previous idea not withstanding, as with last year, I want to have at least one short story, in whatever form it might take, completed by the end 

of the year.

And that’s all for now. I’ll have other ones later in the year if I manage to succeed with these. I know this year is going to be wild, and there are

going to be a lot of challenges coming up, so I’m not going to get too pie in the sky for now.

That’s what I’ve got! Wish me luck and I’ll see you all next week! Take care~!


Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/

The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/



Posted by GrayscaleRain - January 2nd, 2023

**Weekly Update! (2023-01-02)**


My current big priority, other than venting my artistic need out into Various Happenings and Clara Cosmos, is getting commissions done. To that end, things are progressing well.

Thanks to building up the pledges from my patrons at Patreon over the last couple of months, I should have enough to manage the site hosting without a problem, so thank you all. With what I’ve saved so far, I should have a good bulk of my monthly commitments already taken care of. Hopefully this means less new work this month and more concentrating on getting things done.

It’s been rough getting things moving, but I’m feeling more confident now that I’ve had some time off and a chance to recharge.

While I’m currently closed for commissions, if you’re curious about my prices you can check those out here:


The current prices will probably not be changing this year, but there will be other things such as Sketch on the Spot and special discounted items added later. Once things are open, the link for the form will go there, too. So keep an eye out there, and here on my update journal, for more information in the future!

I’m sorry for those of you who have been messaging me via DeviantArt. The notes vs requests system is very obtuse and I’ve just been flooded with people asking if I want to make NFTs, and I just… really don’t check those. I’m going to make an effort to wade through some of those and try to find honest inquiries, but if you sent me something a few months back and I haven’t responded there, that’s why.

DeviantArt is becoming a very user and poster unfriendly place and just not all that pleasant to use, if I’m being honest, since the introduction of the Eclipse UI. So if my engagement is less than ideal there, you know why.

Still, I’m going to be doing my best to respond to correspondence and notes, and in general stay on top of things instead of letting a bunch of notifications build up in my inbox on various sites. No promises, but I want to make a concerted effort at it this year.

So yeah! The future's looking bright and I hope that once I’m on top of things, I’ll stay there. A lot of big plans for this year, so I’ll let you all know about those once they begin to solidify more!

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you’re doing well, and I’ll see you again as we head onward into 2023!

Until next time!


Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/

The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/



Posted by GrayscaleRain - December 27th, 2022


Hey there, peeps!

Well, Christmas has come and gone and I hope all of you enjoyed yourselves! The new year is quickly approaching, and I’m looking forward to moving on with things. This next week is going to be a vacation of sorts. I’m not really planning anything or going to be streaming, just… trying to decompress from the whole year.

After that? Well, we’re going to be trying to knock out the rest of the list. I’ve still got bills to pay, but I want to finally get caught up. I’m almost there, so it’s only a matter of time!

I’ve been very much considering returning to the Sketch on the Spot model and leaving larger things as more once in a while projects rather than my regular means of making money as I transition back to trying to do Various Happenings and Clara Cosmos most of the time. Various Happenings’ 8th anniversary is in March and we’re only on Chapter 6? That will not do!

So yeah, primary focus is getting caught up and finished. Then, I’m going to see about getting back to regularly producing comic content and maintaining a steady cash flow.

As much as I’d love to just work on the comics, I still can’t afford it just yet, but I’m never going to be able to unless I… well… continue making them! Kind of a pickle!

So yeah! That’s my plan. I’m trying to take care of myself a bit more and not push so hard, which will enable me to do more in the long run, I think. I’m hoping that this next year will be a really good one for me, but we won’t know until we get there.

I can talk about a bunch of plans and stuff, but… until I have specific things I want to do, I can’t really say anything, and for the next week, I don’t really have anything specific. So we’ll see.

I hope you all are doing alright, and that things are going well in your affairs. I’ll see you all in the new year~! Until next time!


Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/

The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/



Posted by GrayscaleRain - December 19th, 2022

**Weekly Update! (2022-12-19)**


Hey peeps!

Alright, so the end of the year is upon us and that means Yule, Christmas and the New Year! I think I’ve acquired enough for this month’s expenses and the server/file hosting at the very beginning of next month so everything should be in order.

However, my commission forms are closed (even for Patrons) because I’m far too loaded up now and I don’t want to risk getting overwhelemed for another half a year. So I’m going to go ahead and clean out the last of the non-Stripe invoices as quickly as I can and hopefully that’ll all be done by the beginning of the year!

I’ve been meaning to get to doing my stuff for Various Happenings and The Adventures of Clara Cosmos, but another project I’m working on with a few friends just kind of swept me up and I went and did a bunch of work on that last week instead. I’m happy with the progress, though, and I feel like I’ve lain down a great foundation for us to build on, so hopefully I can let that sit for a bit.

Still, I always need more time, and more money, and doing commissions all the time, especially when you’re stacked two dozen deep, really wears on you.

If you’d like to help out with that, feel free to join me on Patreon.  


There you’ll get access to our semi-private Discord server and the VIP channel where I post all my art, finished or not. This helps support all my projects, including Various Happenings. 

Or if you prefer to support the more all ages stuff, The Adventures of Clara Cosmos has a ko-fi where you can donate directly to support that project.


So yeah!

Just trying to get back to square one and start fresh! It’s not easy, and I get worn out and distracted a lot, but one of these days I’ll learn to balance things. For now, I’ve just got to keep working at it!

Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful holidays, and I’ll see you next week! And if I don’t, then I’ll see you in 2023! Cheers!


Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/

The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/



Posted by GrayscaleRain - December 5th, 2022


Hey peeps!

So! Been busy, just not with what I’d hoped to do, but that’s alright. Sometimes I just get caught up in projects and things happen. That’s been pretty crazy, but I’m happy with what’s come up so far. Going to be focusing on getting that list down this month, though, and trying to work more consistently and constantly without wearing myself out too much.

I’m also going to be trying to go to bed at a reasonable time and not staying up too late so I can get enough sleep on the regular, because that’s kind of been a problem lately.

Tuesday, there won’t be a stream because I have to go vote in the runoff (I forgot that it was that day) so I’ll be working off stream on Tuesday and Wednesday to try and finish up #526, #538, and #539.

Then for stream on Thursday and Friday, we’ll see about getting some work in on #541 and 546 as well as MAYBE some Various Happenings or Clara stuff in because I really want to get back to that.

Still! Stuff is moving forward, regardless, so let’s give it a go! 

Oh, and do I see the comments and shouts y’all leave on my stuff, and I appreciate all of them! I don’t get a lot of chance to respond (most of the time I don’t know what to say in response) but I love reading them so keep at it! I’ll make a concerted effort to try and reply at least a little more in the future, but regardless, thank you all so much!

Anyway, I’ll see you all next week~!


Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/

The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/


Posted by GrayscaleRain - November 28th, 2022

**Weekly Update! (2022-11-28)**


Hey peeps!

So the holiday is over until Yule, which means we’re going to be working for the rest of the year (at least) to try and get current and caught up with things! I’m feeling a bit better lately and the sickness seems to finally start to be draining out of my system, so that’s fantastic and I’ve got ideas and things that I want to do.

My current plans are to focus on Orders #526, #536, #538 and #539. I want to see about getting them done this week and also doing the composition for either/or Various Happenings 6-18 or Clara #011.

I’m aware I’m probably not going to get ALL those things done, but I at least want to knock a few of the commissions out, and then get a little comp work done even if it’s only a few panels. I’m starting to feel a bit better and less overwhelmed than I was going into the holiday so hopefully that carries me until the new year.

If I can manage all that, I’ll be close to current again, and I’ve still got stuff coming in so I should be in a better position for next month and hopefully the new year. Everything is paid for this month, though I do have the big site expendatures just after New Year’s so I’m going to have to save up for that.

Still, I feel confident that we’re still on track and that the projects will be moving again soon enough.

Thanks for sticking with me, and I’ll see you all next week!


Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/

The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/



Posted by GrayscaleRain - November 21st, 2022


Hey peeps!

Man, this last week was kind of a bummer. I was just really super sleepy and felt kinda shitty all week and my output was all over the place, but no worries! I’m going to stream a little this week and then take off for Thanksgiving to help around the house and get some good food in me. I’ve been messaging people so that we can figure out what to do for commissions and who wants to watch me stream and stuff like that, so I’m getting more information on that and planning what to do.

Everything else is just knocking things out of the stack and letting it all sort itself out as I do it. I’ve got a solid to-do list and that’s what I’m trying to stick to.

In other news, I don’t remember if I mentioned it but Clara Cosmos has a new site!


Check it out for all the latest Clara adventures! n.n

And that’s pretty much it! I hope you all have a wonderful Turkey day and I’ll see you all next week!

Until then!


Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/

The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/
