Heya peeps!
Lots of stuff working now! Last week was a time of MANY preliminaries and we got a bunch of stuff on the board which I’m very happy with. Now we just have to actually finish all of it.
Still, something’s better than a blank canvas, so I’ll take those as a win and this week coming up will be all about finishing and refining what we’ve got.
This week, I’m opening up the regular commission submission form, along with the Patreon one! Submissions will be open for 2 weeks, until August 6th at 4PM EDT.
The link for the submission form is at the bottom of this post.
At the end of the two weeks, I’ll close the form and select four of the submissions to follow up on! If I don’t select a submission, it’ll remain in the review queue, and I’ll review them as I get things done.
So if yours doesn’t get picked right away, don’t worry, I’ve still got it on file and I’ll get to it as soon as I can.
Let’s see what’s on the list!
#006: Doc – In Progress!
#008: Artemis – In Progress!
#010: Chacumera – On Hold for Payment.
#011: Doc – In Progress!
#013: Kennie – On Hold for Payment.
#015: Salisha – In Progress!
#016: Salisha – In Queue
#018: Azure – In Progress!
- - - - - - - Late Line - - - - - - -
#020: Mel – In Queue
#021: Doc – Cancelled & Recredited
#022: Spectrickster – In Queue
#026: Mabel – In Queue
##EX: TZ – In Queue
#032: Norithics – In Progress!
#033: Dakkath – Waiting for Payment
#034: Shaze – Waiting for Payment
#035: Turner – In Queue
#036: KlinKitty – In Progress!
Credit: Doc - $320
Discount Bin
Salisha: Durex Date #2 - (Jessie Hart x Bakeneko Spooky) [#2023-015]
Norithics: Princess Cocoa Doppled Pin-Up [#2023-032]
Turner: Cass, Under Pressure [Not Yet Issued]
There’s a lot of stuff in the works this week! I’m happy to see things moving along and I’ll be doing my best to try and put a button on a few of these, especially the ones behind or near the late line.
So that’s gonna be the plan. Might try and get some of the smaller pieces out the door and just crunch things down further. If I get any smaller pieces, I might go ahead and knock those off as well.
As soon as I can, or get the list short enough (maybe down to 4-6) I’m going to start working on personal projects again with a bit more vigor.
I’m just bouncing around between things, so it’s hard to get a stable plan going. Still!
I have an eye exam on Tuesday, but that shouldn’t interfere too much, and if I’m lucky, I’ll have some better glasses soon which will make my life a LOT easier. XD
Still waiting on the move confirmation, but that might be a while yet, so we’ll just carry on as normal, as long as possible.
Oh! And don’t forget, I have the third quarter Fox Saliant Studios questionnaire if you guys wanna help me out with that!
You can check that out here: https://forms.gle/3oP2g1NgPqD9FAre7
It’s very short, maybe only five minutes or so, so feel free to let me know what you think! I’ll try to have a better constructed one next quarter.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you’re all having a safe and entertaining summer! (Or winter, if you live far south!)
Until next time!
Commission Submission Form: https://forms.gle/wgUSpMcvE8LiUtuq6
Commission Rules: https://foxsaliant.com/Commission.htm
Discount Bin: https://foxsaliant.com/Discount.htm
Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/
The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/foxsaliant